Conversations in English. Vestlused inglise keeles. Беседы на английском.
L, 12. sept
|Mad Murphy's
New people, varied topics, new prospective.

Time & Location
12. sept 2020, 12:00 – 13:30
Mad Murphy's, Mündi 2, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia
About the event
---WHAT DO WE DO?--- We gather to have meaningful conversations in English. You never know what exactly your conversation is going to be about, it can start with space ships, touch upon fast fashion and finish with discussing city policies. What you can, though, be sure about is that there will be something to talk about, 100%.
---FOR WHOM IS THE EVENT?--- For all English-speaking people, whatever the level is, native or learned. If you can read this text and speak, it is enough.
---HOW MUCH IS IT?--- For now the gatherings are donation-based. Usually participants donate something between 5 and 10 eur. It is highly recommended to order a drink as this is why the restaurant allows us to be there 🙂